Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Why I Choose To Think INSIDE The Box

We are told so often that we should "think outside the box." At least I know I have heard that over and over again. We should consider other people's opinions. We should look at a given situation from a different point-of-view. We shouldn't rely on just what we see, but what it could be. These are all great things, and I do agree that at times, thinking outside the box is exactly what we need to do to be successful.

Yet I would say that there are times in life when we need to think inside the box.

WHAT?! But doesn't that go against what we know?

Yes. But isn't that sometimes the point?

Here's a little of my story:

A little over 2 years ago, I was told by my doctor that it would be very difficult for me to have children. To the point that she suggested using fertility drugs when Andy and I decided we were ready to start a family. I wasn't sold on the idea then, and there hasn't been a time in the past 2 years when I felt that was an option. As much as we have wanted children since day 1 of marriage, it just hasn't seemed like we were supposed to take that step. At least not yet.

Fast forward to right at 1 year after that, and God spoke very clearly to me through 3 different people that His promise for me was to have a child/children of my own. It was overwhelmingly joyful for me to hear that. With the prospect of difficulties, I was given a promise of health and healing for my body. Andy and I were given the promise of our own children.

For the past year, I have gone through feeling disappointed and like God had forgotten His promise to me. That God had forgotten me. Yet every time I began to allow myself to fall into that cycle of thinking, God proved His faithfulness in some area of my life. Whether it was a work of healing in my body, His awesome provision, or just experiencing the grace of His presence, He reminded me over and over that I have not once left His thoughts.

This summer, I again had the privilege of working at Royal Family KIDS Camp. One night, I stayed up talking to a good friend who also volunteers at camp. We were talking about the promises God has over our lives and how we are waiting to see what those promises fully hold for us. His was the promise of family, and though he had not yet been married or had children, he saw that promise being lived out through his life in a different way. Andy and I have the promise of children, and while we do not have children of our own, we also see that being lived out in other ways.

God showed me the illustration that our life is made up of boxes. As we move from one point in life to the next, He transitions us from one box to the next. His promise of family or children is not only for the future, but for the here and now as well. My friend was living in his "Family" box while being the father-figure to hurting children at RFKCamp, feeding into the lives of the boys he was mentoring at his church, and by being a brother and son to those around him. God's promise of him being a family man was being lived out in the box he was called to be in at that point in time. Now, God is in the process of transitioning him to his next "Family" box as he prepares to get married in just a few months, and become a step-father to his soon-to-be-wife's son. The label of family has manifested itself in my friend's life in different ways, but has always been true to the promise of God.

As I sit here, reflecting after yet another negative pregnancy test, I am not left feeling sad or disappointed. Rather I am left feeling hopeful. Hopeful because I know my journey is one of WHEN and not IF! Hopeful because God has not chosen now as the perfect time for us to receive the child or children He has prepared for us to take care of. Hopeful because while we do not yet have a child to call our own, we have a total of 8 wonderful, beautiful nieces, 1 awesome, handsome nephew, and 2 more nieces/nephews on the way. We have the children at church that God is allowing us to feed in to. We have the hurting kids at Royal Family KIDS who God has blessed us with reaching. God has promised us children of our own, promised us motherhood and fatherhood. Until our biological children come along, God has placed us in a position of influence in the lives of many children. My "Mommy" box will one day include giving birth and raising a child/children, but until then, I will live in the "Mommy" box God has placed me in for the time being.

I am choosing to live and daily think within the box God has called me to live in at the moment. What can I do to fulfill my duty as "Mother" as it applies to me today? How can I allow that to prepare me for my next box? He hasn't called any one of us to become something without first giving us the tools to do so. He is growing me through my experiences now so I can best fulfill my next stage of life.

What promises has God placed over your life? How can you live those out where you are now? Sometimes we think we know what God's intentions are, and we miss out on what He has for us today. We get so caught up in the disappointment that He has forgotten us that we fail to appreciate where He has called us to be for now. What does your box look like and what can you do to ensure that you think inside that box?

I found this button this week to remind me to always look at my life through the eyes of God's promises fulfilled. To remember that even if I don't see the end result of that promise, I can still live that out through the box I am in today!

Go live within your box as you live out Christ's love to the world!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Embraceable You

When I've had a rough day, I simply long for my husband's embrace. Nothing more than to be held in his arms. There is just something so comforting about his strong arms holding me, seemingly protecting me from all that life has thrown at me.

When I was younger, just sitting with my mom crying as she held me had healing qualities.

I'm sure if some of you think of your father's arms, they hold special memories. Times when that's all you needed. The only thing that could heal your broken heart or make your world a little more okay.

It makes me wonder what the true embrace of Christ feels like. If an earthly hug and embrace can be so comforting, how much more are the arms of God? How much more can they truly protect our hearts?

During worship at church on Sunday, we sang Forever Reign by Hillsong. I've sang this song so many times, but this time, I was just completely overwhelmed with the idea of what being embraced by God would be like. What it should be like.

The lyrics talk about running in to the arms of God. How nothing can possibly compare to His embrace. They speak of how in all of our shortcomings, all of our pain, He is the answer to it all. He is all that we need. Why, then, do we not run straight in to His arms. Why do we not call out the name of Jesus above all else? Why do we look to other humans for comfort before looking to Christ?

Maybe it's because our finite human brains seek out that tangible source. That physical touch or voice. We feel the need to have our answers and comfort right in front of us. Because we couldn't possibly feel out of control for even one moment. Instead, we should be running to the One who created us! The One who has gone before us, is walking with us now, and is already in our future!

Once we realize that, our lives will change! Our comfort will not simply come from humans who will fail us. It will come first and foremost from the One who has never failed us, and who never will! Our everything is found in the name of Jesus.

As amazing as it is to be held by my husband, knowing that he loves me as best as he can, it is more amazing still how the love of God can completely cover me. It permeates into my very being. There is an undeniable feeling of His presence that overwhelms me. And that feeling really is tangible. The love of Christ is greater than anything I could ever physically encounter on Earth.

Running to the arms of Christ is an active pursuit. A couple weeks ago I was back home visiting family. My heart was overwhelmed when my nieces saw me. They dropped what they were doing, and RAN with arms open wide as they said my name. They didn't stop until my arms were around them, hugging and embracing their little selves. It was an amazing feeling, and again reminded me of what it looks like to pursue Christ.

We should drop all that we are. All of the plans we have for ourselves. All of the ideas of who we should be. And actively pursue His embrace. We should not stop until we are in His presence. Our entire life should be an active pursuit of all that He is.

Here are more of the lyrics: "My heart will sing no other name. Jesus. Jesus!" These words should be our entire life!

As my nieces ran to me, crying out my name, I again saw the picture of our pursuit of Christ. They couldn't contain their excitement to see me. And it made my heart so happy. We should have that same excitement (and even greater) when we seek God. We should be so overwhelmed with the joy of being with Him that we can't help but proclaim His name always. Our heart's cry should be for all that He is concerned with. Our hearts should reflect Jesus.

May my heart never stop crying out for my Savior. May I never take my focus off His face. May I never get so caught up in life that I one day realize I have taken myself away from His intimate embrace.

May I start today to actively pursue all that Christ is and wants for me. My prayer is that you will join me in that pursuit!

May the embrace of Christ be a tangible feeling and experience for us all as we pursue Him! As we run to His arms, He will shower us with His perfect love. And as He loves us, He gives us the strength to love others.

As God sings His love over you, go sing His love song to the world!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Fervent Friday - ReMoved

This week's installment is a video that speaks closely to an organization that is very near and dear to my heart. I will be putting up a blog post in the next couple weeks about Royal Family KIDS, an organization that exists to reach out to children who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned,  so be on the lookout for that!!

This video is a look into the life of a little girl who is removed from her home and placed in foster care, all from her point of view. I've watched this video at least a dozen times now, and each time, I find myself crying and welling up with emotion. It's stories like this that make it very hard for me to sit back and do nothing!

Please let me know how the video spoke to you, and if you would like more information about being involved in making a difference!

If you are unable to view the video below, you can see it here: ReMoved Video

-Go sing God's love song to the world!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Fervent Friday - The More I Seek You

This week's Fervent Friday is a song that I have loved for almost eight years now. I was introduced to it while on a youth group missions trip in Chicago, and it has stayed my heart's desire. Here are the simple and beautiful lyrics. Click title of song for the link to listen! 

-Kari Jobe

The more I seek You, the more I find You.
The more I find You, the more I love You.
I wanna sit at Your feet,
Drink from the cup in Your hand,
Lay back against You and breathe,
Feel Your heart beat.
This love is so deep, it's more than I can stand.
I melt in Your peace.
It's overwhelming.

When I think of laying back against someone, being so close that I can hear their heart beating, I am brought to a place of trust, vulnerability, and total intimacy. The more we seek to be close to God, the more He reveals His love and character to us. His Father heart longs to hold us and have us know Him in the most intimate way.

I'd love to hear how this song spoke to you! Converse, create an artistic response (poem, picture, song...), or just simply comment!!

-Go sing God's love song to the world!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Fervent Friday - The Kiss

This week's Fervent Friday post is a poem I wrote right around five years ago. I had been going through a creative dry spell and God laid these words on my heart about the truth of Christ's love for us. I hope it blesses you as it has me these past few years.

(Again, I'd love for this to be interactive. Comments, creative responses, and the like are welcome, encouraged, and appreciated.)

The Kiss
By: Sarah A. Newkirk

You received the kiss of death
Yet You freely give the kiss of life,
With righteousness and peace,
That we may know Your glory and life,
That we may glory in You.
You were born
That You may die,
To give us life!
How could I ever repay You,
Oh, Lord?
How could I ever come close
To being like You?
It took the kiss of death
To give us life and breath
In You!

Isn't it wonderful that the story doesn't end there? Christ took death upon Himself for us, but He broke the bonds of sin in us when He rose from the grave and defeated Satan. We can truly live in the freedom Christ gave us when He willingly took our place and overcame even death itself! We can now be more alive in Christ than we could ever be on our own.

-Go sing God's love song to the world!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

My Prince Charming Is Not

Prince Charming. You see him in movies. You hear about him in fairy tales. He is the one to rescue the princess who has found herself in an unfortunate situation. He is regal and thinks of nothing but saving his princess. He is handsome and always looks his best. He never smells weird or wears clothes that his princess would be embarrassed by. And according to everything I just said, my husband is no Prince Charming. He does not live up to those expectations that every little girl has when she watches her favorite Disney movie.

Andy is a farm boy. He does not always have the right words to say to make me feel better. He dreams (like, in his sleep) about farming, and that is just weird to me. He sometimes gets preoccupied with work and does not always have the time to do what I would like because of it. He is very handsome, but sometimes he comes home dusty and dirty, smelling like whatever chemicals or grain he has been around that day. His fashion sense is non-existent. He is no Prince Charming.

And sometimes I fault him for not being what I expected. When he falls short, I wonder why he does not try harder. Truth is, he is one of the hardest working people I know. He worked his way through college so he could graduate debt free (happy dance!!). He spends extra hours at work, even on Saturdays in order to get the job done. He would go out of his way to lend a hand when and where it is needed. When he puts his mind to something, there is no stopping him. I am truly proud of his hard work and determination, and I love him all the more for it!

But can I tell you a secret? I do not always love my husband. WHAT?! You must be thinking I am the worst wife ever. But I think I would be a worse wife if I lied and said I did. And I would be willing to bet he does not always love me. Our marriage must be doomed, right? Nope!

Loving a person who fails is not always easy. Loving someone else when you yourself are not perfect is not always easy. Loving someone who gets on your nerves sometimes, who you sometimes disagree with, who sometimes says the absolute wrong thing, who does not live up to all of your expectations. That is not an easy thing to do. Sometimes you find that the love you have for them is nowhere to be found.

I do not always love my husband, but even in those moments, he is still my best friend. He is that one person that I want to talk to, laugh with, laugh AT, and just simply spend time with. God has given us the grace needed to get through those rough patches and come out with more love in our hearts for each other.

Marriage is not about having all the right answers. It is about discovering each other and learning to appreciate the things that make both individuals who they are. Andy may not always have it all together, and I know I am worse than he is most times. But together, with God leading us, we are invincible! God has given us strength and patience for each other.

I have learned a lot from marriage. But more than anything, I have learned that my husband will never be 100% perfect or 100% the person I need him to be 100% of the time, and I will never be those things for him either. And it is in those shortcomings that we learn to be a better couple. It is through those times that the love we truly have for each other is strengthened.

I have learned that I would choose a life with a stinky, goofy, strange, unfashionable, hard-working, encouraging man than a life with Prince Charming any day! Because Prince Charming would never get over the fact that my hair is not always in place, my make up is not always perfect (pretty much almost never), I am messy, and I do not always handle my emotions with grace. But my husband accepts all of that and loves me still.

I will leave you with a few pictures from a day that my hair and make up were perfect, we smiled all day (until it hurt), and we undoubtedly felt love for each other. (Photo cred goes out to http://www.orangepeelphoto.com/)
This was the look on my husband's face the first time he saw me on our wedding day. We did a first look before the ceremony, just the two of us (and our photographers), and we exchanged personalized vows that we wrote for each other. This look on his face is unlike any I could have even imagined!

This sums up our relationship perfectly! We are goofy, and I would not trade it for the world!
He kissed me on the tip of my nose before kissing me on the lips. Again, perfect!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Fervent Fridays - Build Your Kingdom Here

In an attempt to get myself on here more regularly, I have decided to start a regular posting every Friday. I am calling this "Fervent Fridays" and will post a song, scripture, video or other form of media that is especially close to my heart. I enjoy digging in to what God has for me, and find joy in sharing that with others. I hope you find these regular Friday posts as a source of encouragement as we experience little gems from God together! Along with some, I may write a short (or, knowing myself, long) blurb about what that particular item means to me. With others, I may just leave you to receive what God gives you through it. Either way, my desire is for this to be an interactive post. I'd love to hear what God speaks to you through the different outlets. I'd love for all of us to gain insight from each other, not just my ramblings.

Welp. Here's the first of hopefully many!!

Today, I'd like to share with you a song that has been my favorite for a few weeks now. The first time I heard it, I fell in love with its passion, prayer, timeliness. It is the desire of my heart to always echo the words spoken, as it should be for all of us! Enjoy, and please let me know what you think! Remember, it's about the words, not necessarily the style of the music. :)

"Build Your Kingdom Here" by the Rend Collective Experiment


-Go sing God's love song to the world!