Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Embraceable You

When I've had a rough day, I simply long for my husband's embrace. Nothing more than to be held in his arms. There is just something so comforting about his strong arms holding me, seemingly protecting me from all that life has thrown at me.

When I was younger, just sitting with my mom crying as she held me had healing qualities.

I'm sure if some of you think of your father's arms, they hold special memories. Times when that's all you needed. The only thing that could heal your broken heart or make your world a little more okay.

It makes me wonder what the true embrace of Christ feels like. If an earthly hug and embrace can be so comforting, how much more are the arms of God? How much more can they truly protect our hearts?

During worship at church on Sunday, we sang Forever Reign by Hillsong. I've sang this song so many times, but this time, I was just completely overwhelmed with the idea of what being embraced by God would be like. What it should be like.

The lyrics talk about running in to the arms of God. How nothing can possibly compare to His embrace. They speak of how in all of our shortcomings, all of our pain, He is the answer to it all. He is all that we need. Why, then, do we not run straight in to His arms. Why do we not call out the name of Jesus above all else? Why do we look to other humans for comfort before looking to Christ?

Maybe it's because our finite human brains seek out that tangible source. That physical touch or voice. We feel the need to have our answers and comfort right in front of us. Because we couldn't possibly feel out of control for even one moment. Instead, we should be running to the One who created us! The One who has gone before us, is walking with us now, and is already in our future!

Once we realize that, our lives will change! Our comfort will not simply come from humans who will fail us. It will come first and foremost from the One who has never failed us, and who never will! Our everything is found in the name of Jesus.

As amazing as it is to be held by my husband, knowing that he loves me as best as he can, it is more amazing still how the love of God can completely cover me. It permeates into my very being. There is an undeniable feeling of His presence that overwhelms me. And that feeling really is tangible. The love of Christ is greater than anything I could ever physically encounter on Earth.

Running to the arms of Christ is an active pursuit. A couple weeks ago I was back home visiting family. My heart was overwhelmed when my nieces saw me. They dropped what they were doing, and RAN with arms open wide as they said my name. They didn't stop until my arms were around them, hugging and embracing their little selves. It was an amazing feeling, and again reminded me of what it looks like to pursue Christ.

We should drop all that we are. All of the plans we have for ourselves. All of the ideas of who we should be. And actively pursue His embrace. We should not stop until we are in His presence. Our entire life should be an active pursuit of all that He is.

Here are more of the lyrics: "My heart will sing no other name. Jesus. Jesus!" These words should be our entire life!

As my nieces ran to me, crying out my name, I again saw the picture of our pursuit of Christ. They couldn't contain their excitement to see me. And it made my heart so happy. We should have that same excitement (and even greater) when we seek God. We should be so overwhelmed with the joy of being with Him that we can't help but proclaim His name always. Our heart's cry should be for all that He is concerned with. Our hearts should reflect Jesus.

May my heart never stop crying out for my Savior. May I never take my focus off His face. May I never get so caught up in life that I one day realize I have taken myself away from His intimate embrace.

May I start today to actively pursue all that Christ is and wants for me. My prayer is that you will join me in that pursuit!

May the embrace of Christ be a tangible feeling and experience for us all as we pursue Him! As we run to His arms, He will shower us with His perfect love. And as He loves us, He gives us the strength to love others.

As God sings His love over you, go sing His love song to the world!