Friday, June 15, 2012

How Deep The Father's Love For Us

So. Father's Day is coming up this weekend. Many of you already know - I grew up without a "dad" in my life. What I did grow up with is an amazing mother, 2 big sisters, and a grandmother. My mom raised us to love God. She has been the best mom I could ever imagine. Even so, Father's Day always came with some sadness for me. All my friends made things for their dads and I sat there not knowing what to do - feeling left out.

I look back and wonder what my life would have been like had my dad never left. I can say with all certainty I would not be the same person I am today nor would my life have turned out near as well as it has! It has been a blessing in disguise. A blessing that only my true Father - God - could give!

God has blessed me with so much, and many times I take that for granted. Not only has He blessed me, He has rescued me! Rescued me from the captive holds of Satan.

I was listening to a song the other day - How Deep the Father's Love for Us. I encourage you to listen to it. It's a beautiful realization about how much God has truly done!

Mark 10:45 says "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many." Ransom - what does that mean? The dictionary definition of "ransom" is "a consideration paid or demanded for the release of someone or something from captivity." The Message phrases Mark 10:45 like this: "He came to serve, not to be served—and then to give away his life in exchange for many who are held hostage."

When a kidnapper takes a child, they hold that child hostage and demand a ransom to return that child to their family. Looking at this Biblical context, I see that the ransom to be paid for my life, and yours, is the blood of Christ - God's loving sacrifice in order to redeem what was always rightfully His. His children. You. Me. Everyone who has ever walked this Earth.

All of humanity is born belonging to God and His perfect plan. But we have all been kidnapped and stolen away by the devil and the world we live in. Christ loves us enough that he gave his LIFE centuries ago to win us back. Is that not amazing?!

Even before you were born, God was thinking about you. His Fatherly love was singing His plan over you. He has done His part to win you back from the strongholds of addiction, fear, sorrow, sin. What will you do to accept that?

We do not belong to this world. Our home and our hope is not in or on this Earth, but rather in Heaven with our Creator. Our Heavenly Father.

This Father's Day, show the dads around you that you appreciate them. Show them how much they mean to you. Don't take them for granted.

But in addition to that, I have a challenge for you. This Father's Day, show your Heavenly Father how much you appreciate the sacrifice and love He has shown! Not sure if you believe in God, I'd love to talk to you! He is the only constant!!

Thanks for reading, and until next time - go out and make this life a great one!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Hey all! It's been a crazy few weeks. I've completely neglected my blog. I've had so many things I wanted to write about, but haven't had the time. When I HAVE had the time, well - sleep was a little more appealing, unfortunately.

Here's my promise to you - I WILL have a new post up by the time I go to bed tomorrow night - Friday, June 15. Pinky promise!!

If you haven't checked out my other posts before, please read on. If you have - hang tight. Or read my previous Sarahnadings again. In the mean time, go out and make this life the best you can!