Friday, February 21, 2014

Fervent Fridays - Build Your Kingdom Here

In an attempt to get myself on here more regularly, I have decided to start a regular posting every Friday. I am calling this "Fervent Fridays" and will post a song, scripture, video or other form of media that is especially close to my heart. I enjoy digging in to what God has for me, and find joy in sharing that with others. I hope you find these regular Friday posts as a source of encouragement as we experience little gems from God together! Along with some, I may write a short (or, knowing myself, long) blurb about what that particular item means to me. With others, I may just leave you to receive what God gives you through it. Either way, my desire is for this to be an interactive post. I'd love to hear what God speaks to you through the different outlets. I'd love for all of us to gain insight from each other, not just my ramblings.

Welp. Here's the first of hopefully many!!

Today, I'd like to share with you a song that has been my favorite for a few weeks now. The first time I heard it, I fell in love with its passion, prayer, timeliness. It is the desire of my heart to always echo the words spoken, as it should be for all of us! Enjoy, and please let me know what you think! Remember, it's about the words, not necessarily the style of the music. :)

"Build Your Kingdom Here" by the Rend Collective Experiment

-Go sing God's love song to the world!


  1. An anthem for the church...both as individuals and collectively! This is a prayer God longs to answer!
