Wednesday, April 25, 2012


So. Tonight I led worship in youth group. I realized that I am not near as organized as I need to be, nor am I a successful non-procrastinator. In other words- I'm REALLY good at procrastinating. Which maybe isn't anything to brag about.

The main thing I realized is how much joy it brings me to utilize the gifts that God has blessed me with. Singing and music in general is one of those things!

When I sing- whether in church or in my car- it makes me happy! But especially in church, or anytime I'm singing worship songs. It makes my whole spirit lighter and my mood happier. God has truly blessed my with a passion for music, and I enjoy being able to use that for His glory!

I suppose compassion would be another. Compassion plays a HUGE part in who I am. I love being around people, and helping others. But more than that, I love being able to comfort those who are hurting or sad or scared. I have been though hardships and trials in my life, and I know God has allowed me to face those and be victorious in order to pair that with the compassion He has gifted me with to help others through the same or similar situations. This is why Royal Family KIDS Camp is such a big part of me! And why I love and always want to work with youth. Teenagers face so many things and they don't always know how to deal- so if I can do my small part to help them, shoot! Bring it on!

Cooking- yeah. This is fun!!! I love experimenting and trying new things. I'm so grateful that my husband has a willingness and eagerness to try my creations. Sometimes they turn out great (my special Asian-barbeque chicken an original- and a tasty one!). Sometimes they flop (chicken meatballs-not so tasty!). But he never discourages me from trying (unless it's sugar cookies)! I have a passion and talent in cooking and have learned how to use that for God! I have taken over preparing meals for the youth group every Wednesday night. Tonight was chicken parmesan and garlic bread. The teens seemed to like it. It's just another way I can use my talents for God.

I also very much enjoy writing. I guess some may say I'm talented while others probably think I'm too random and not that great. All I know is it brings me joy to write- anything from blogs to poems to letters. God has blessed me with many poems and I would love to create a book of poetry someday! God lays things on my heart to write about and I enjoy following His direction in that. That's what tonight's blog has been. Learning yet another way to use what He has given me to give back to Him!

So- what are your talents? What has God gifted you with? Is it music? Drawing? Photography? Writing? Helping others? Cooking? Math? Yes- even math can be used to glorify God! Identify your God-given gifts and then pray about how you can use those for HIM! Maybe it's cooking meals for a group of crazy teenagers. Maybe it's coaching a soccer team. I don't know what your giftings are or what God has in store for them, but HE does! So take a step of faith and do something bold (or not so bold) with your talents! And let me know!!

Well- this is where I sign off for the night! This girl needs some SLEEP! Night everyone!

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