Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Here We Go Again...

So. I do this so many times. Start a blog and then forget about it forever. Well. Here's another one to add to my long list of half-blogs! Or maybe I'll just impress myself (and maybe you as well) and write on here for years to come. We shall see.

Let's see... Andy and I have been married for a little over a year now. So many people gave (and are still giving) us advice on marriage and what to expect. Wanna know a secret?? Well- marriage is nothing that you can truly ever fully prepare yourself for! Crazy right?! No amount of pre-marriage counseling or advice or reading can every prepare you. Truth is- everyone is different. And every marriage is different. The only thing you can do is know that WHEN things get tough or you just feel like strangling your spouse's neck (not that that's ever happened to US), that person is the one you fell in love with! The person you decided to spend the rest of your life with! You have to let the good times and memories carry you through those valleys. You will make it out if you let yourself!

I was listening to something one day about how the body works. More importantly- blood cells. The person on the radio or TV or whatever said that each individual blood cell has its own beat- that when isolated from all other blood cells, it will take on a rhythm unique to itself. But, the instant it comes in contact with another blood cell, it takes on the rhythm of the other and they in turn begin beating in unison- as one. It made me realize things not only about life, but marriage, and God.

I have to ask the question: how can anyone denounce God or the thought of a "higher being" when the very pieces that give us life interact so intricately with each other? I mean- a blood cell has a "mind of its own" but when it touches another, they beat as one, until you have millions of cells joining together to beat and give life. Really? I would love to have a discussion with an atheist regarding this!

Also- it made me think of the church. Many people believe that you can be a Christian and never go to church. I have to ask them in return: who is encouraging you in your walk and faith? Who is walking beside you in this crazy world? Where do you get your understanding of what God's Word says? I understand that God is all-powerful and reveals Himself in many great ways, but even God Himself said that it is not good for man to be alone. He created us with the intention of relationship. In the New Testament, Christ has a group of disciples- a group of men learning from him, training them to lead others. People are made to interact with people. Christians are made to interact with other Christians- in worship, learning, and living. The more Christians you are around, the more you will begin to "beat" as one and be more effective for Christ!

In marriage, this is so true! When Andy and I got married, we knew each others schedule and routine, but making those work together (especially with only one vehicle) has taken some getting used to. It's interesting though how much of our "separate" lives are now the same. We are our own people, but our lives have become one. We have learned to do life as one. It's a great thing also to have that companion that you know is beside you in everything you do, because when you are created for each other,  your hearts begin to beat for the same things. For Andy and I, it's youth and Royal Family Kid's Camp. We both enjoy being silly and watching movies. There's so much more, but it's great to have that person by my side that I know I can be exactly ME and he will love me. Why?

Because God created us to beat as one just like He created Christians to beat as one for Him and blood cells to beat as one to keep the body alive.

I guess this is where my train of thought ends for the night! Time to sleep to face another day! Hope you've enjoyed this Sarahnading and will join me for more!


  1. I like it Sarahbearanade! The blood cell thing is really cool, I never knew that!... Keep it up, I enjoyed reading it :)

    1. Thanks, Paul! I was really surprised when I heard that too. It's just one more thing that speaks to the beauty of God's creation and His complex mind!
