Thursday, November 29, 2012


In my last post, I described myself in 10 simple words. I've written quite a bit on being a wife. I introduced you to my sisters, mom, and gramma. I wrote about one of my aunts. I hope it's clear by now that I love God and am a Christian. I haven't talked much about my life as an aunt, but I have 6 nieces, Andy has 2 nieces, and I have a niece or nephew on the way. So - this post will be devoted to being an OVERCOMER! I know I touched on that a little in my last post, but there is more to my story.

I mentioned that a couple months ago I fell into a depression. I haven't shared with too many people, but in early September, I had a miscarriage. I didn't even know I was pregnant. All of the sudden, this dream was being ripped away from us. It's not something I wish anyone to go through, though I know a lot of women do. This took a toll on me emotionally.

I wrestled with God for weeks. I struggled with being angry with Him. Why would He do this to me. Why would He put my husband and I through this? I struggled so much with the feelings of loss, fear, disappointment, anger, confusion. But did you know, our God is not a God who causes these feelings. These are brought on by Satan himself - by the enemy of our lives. God's desire is one of goodness. And the beauty in it all is that He can take something so devastating and make it into something beautiful.

A few weeks after the miscarriage, I was getting really good at hiding how I was feeling about it all except for at home. My husband sat and held me while I cried so much in those few weeks. But it was still more than I could handle. We were sitting at worship practice one night, and God spoke to me through the music and through a friend.

One of the guys who used to go to our church and be involved in the worship team was visiting and spoke to us for a few minutes. Tolu was sharing about his experiences at the International House of Prayer - a 24-hour prayer/worship room. They have them all over and it is a wonderful experience if you ever get the chance to visit one. He shared about how sometimes people will come up and say that they were touched by a certain song. Or how the lyrics spoke directly to them and were what they needed to hear. Music is powerful, and music that glorifies God can do miraculous things!

We went on to have a time of prayer and worship. I went on to wrestle with God again. I was crying out to Him, asking Him why, why why!! Why me? Why this? Once I finally shut up long enough to listen, God spoke SO clearly to me! I will never forget it. I was sitting there, and the song Healer was playing. The lyrics go:

You hold my every moment.
You calm my raging sea.
You walk with me through fire.
You heal all my disease.
I trust in You.
I trust in You.
I believe You're my Healer.
I believe You are all I need.
I believe You're my Portion.
I believe You're more than enough for me.
Jesus You're all I need.
Nothing is impossible for You.
You hold my world in Your hands.

WHAT?! God was speaking to me - He was trying to tell me that HE is my healer! He holds my every moment. He holds my whole world, my whole life, in His hands. He is more than enough for me. Trying to tell me to trust in Him. That He's with me no matter what I'm facing. I couldn't believe it. When Tolu shared how music spoke to people, I don't think any of us realized he was essentially prophesying what God was about to do that night. I just wept. But this time, they weren't tears of hurt or sadness or anger. They were tears of healing and joy. Tears of much needed peace. Not only was I weeping, but I found myself laughing. Why? Because I had so much joy wash over me that I couldn't contain it. And maybe also because the answer had been right in front of me. I was just too stubborn to accept it. I couldn't help but share what God did with those who were there that night.

God helped me overcome that night. He has helped me overcome so many things in my life. So I ask you - what are you facing or struggling with that you can't seem to shake? Depression? Fear? Lust? Deception? Guess what. I've got the answer for anything you're facing!


His ever ready help and peace.

He's reaching out to you - offering His hand. Offering not only to walk with you, but to carry you through. To take your burden as His own and help you overcome. Are you willing to accept it?

My challenge to you tonight is to spend time listening to God and whatever He has to say to you. Maybe He desires to bring healing to you - physical or emotional. Maybe He just desires to bless you with a strong sense of Himself. Maybe He wants to direct you on the next step for your life. You won't know unless you spend time LISTENING!

Go let God sing His perfect love song over you, and life your life as His love song to the world!

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