Saturday, May 5, 2012

Check Yes or No

I was looking through a posting somewhere on the internet yesterday of really funny test answers. Some were humorous. Some were inappropriate. Some were just stupid. One jumped out at me though. There was a test about The Crucible (one of my favorites!). The student answered "Jesus" on every question, and at the top wrote "Jesus is always the answer." I laughed at that and thought that kid must have just been a class-clown.

Then I got to thinking- are those of us who are "believers" (PS- I can't stand that term!) willing to accept and admit that? Do we honestly believe that Jesus is always the answer? Not only that, but do we believe that he HAS all the answers and always answers those who call on Him? Hmmm. Toughies, aren't they?

For a while now I've been feeling myself wondering if God hears my prayers. If He has any intention of answering. What I'm really doing is wondering why God hasn't done what I've asked Him to do. Expecting that what I want is what He's going to do. I've really been struggling with one thing in particular. I've asked God over and over, crying and pleading, and He hasn't answered me yet. Or rather, He hasn't given me what I want.

Do you ever do that? Ask God for something to happen, but really you're telling Him what you think is best and expecting Him to follow suit? The God who created us, who formed the very ground we walk on, who breathed life into the first man. He's just supposed to do what we think is best?

Maybe what you're asking Him to do IS His plan. Maybe it's just not the right time. Can I just say this- God answers ALL prayers! He has three answers (though they may vary).

1.) Yes
2.) No
3.) Not yet/Not in that way

Many of us stop at "yes" and think that's the only thing God is allowed to say to us. If your parents only ever told you yes, would that have been in your best interest? NO! "Mom, can I have all the candy I want and stay up and do anything I want?" "Sure, sweetie! I love you."

Wrong! If a mother answered the child in that way, that's not showing love. That's not knowing the best interest and just saying yes to make the child happy. That mother would maybe allow one piece of candy and send the child to bed, because she already knows what the outcome of too much junk and no sleep will be. The child only sees what it wants.

It's the same with God. We think we know what's best, but in reality, He has only the BEST intentions for our lives! He created each and every one of us with a divine purpose.

So, maybe you've asked God for a raise at work. Maybe you asked for that cute guy you know to fall in love with you. Maybe you asked God to heal your dying family member. Whatever you've asked God, He has heard. And He has answered you. If you don't think He has, maybe it's just because it's not the answer you wanted. Sometimes we have to be still and listen to God's gracious spirit, because He is the only one who knows what's best for each of us.

The next time you ask God for something and think He isn't listening or hasn't answered you, step back and wait on Him. Because sometimes His answers are more perfect than our own.

Well- this is where I sign off for the night. Listen to God and serenade the world with His love!

1 comment:

  1. I am moved by your beautiful insight into the heart of God. No matter how we pray or what we ask, God's answers to us are always centered in His love for us. You are loved, Sarah!
